A belated Happy New Year to all our customers, with the holidays over,its now back to work, schools have re-opened and we keep umbrellas at the ready…. but its also a positive time for resolutions and good intentions and we hope more and more of you will embrace supporting local farmers and artisan food producers in 2018.
Over the years we have seen many small farmers give up, unable to compete with cheaper imports and big supermarket cost cutting but we’ve also witnessed many embracing diversification responding to the eagerness for the modern customer to embrace new tasty options.
We’ve seen this strengthening of intent at all of our markets with the introduction over the years of Waterbuffalo meat, sheeps cheese, charcuterie, chilli farming or swapping dairy farming for lavender growing or a career in IT for growing micro greens packed with nutrients and the rise in popularity of goats cheese, milk and meat.
Others have taken a greater pride in the premium quality of their traditionally reared animals, artisan cheeses and ciders or traditional variety vegetables.The message is now loud and clear purchasing local food supports high animal welfare, strengthens the local economy,promotes good quality award winning food producers and our markets continue to add to the vibrancy and culture of our market towns. They are an integral part of living in or visiting and tasting Somerset!
The unfolding story of local farmers and our evolving food production can be experienced each month at any of our eight farmers markets and now in our 20th year its been quite an evolution!