Nailsea Cider

Nailsea Cider

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Nailsea has a rich history. Coal and Glass are well known as being a part of Nailsea’s history. Less well known though is Nailsea’s history of Cidermaking. The famous Coate’s Cider was made in Nailsea, and before this nearly all the local farms made cider because they could pay their staff a proportion of their wages with the stuff. Good times!

We’re a small group of friends that got together to rekindle Nailsea’s cidermaking past. There are just a few of us working with a couple of orchards around Nailsea, and a large number of single trees in gardens. We have a good blend of local cider apples, and dessert apples. We have an exemption to be able to make 7000 ltrs per year, but won’t get close to that for a while yet.

Find Nailsea Cider at these markets
