During these unusual times Somerset Farmers’ Markets plan to continue to bring you the very best food and drink, courtesy of the dedicated local farmers and producers of our County. With the Government’s new Stay at Home Order in place from Thursday 5th November, we can continue to operate as food is classified as essential. Earlier this year, we communicated our responsibilities and expectations to our customers; these set out how we are abiding by the Government’s Covid Secure guidelines in order to make our markets safe places to visit.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of these responsibilities and expectations and request your continued cooperation.
SFM responsibilities include:
Each of our venues will have a new layout which allows for 2 metres social distancing between traders.
Spaces between canopies will be blocked off with barriers/cones/roped off.
We will define the number of customers that can be at the market whilst following 2m social distancing and limit access to a safe number.
We will provide space for queues to form at stalls with safe distancing.
Customers will be encouraged to shop in a one-way system and queue safely at busy stalls
We will have limited entry/exit points at each market which will be supervised by a dedicated person.
Customers will be encouraged to use hand sanitiser which will be made available on entry.
Our canopy poles will be sanitised with anti-viral disinfectant before traders set up.
Clear signage on social distancing and hygiene will be displayed to people on arrival.
Customers will be encouraged to shop alone where possible
Customers accompanied by children will be reminded they are responsible for supervising them at all times and should follow social distancing guidelines.
We will provide written or spoken communication of the latest guidelines to all workers at the market.
Trader Responsibilities include:
You must read the Governments latest guidance for food businesses https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-food-businesses/guidance-for-food-businesses-on-coronavirus-covid-19
Submit a risk assessment and insurance documents 7 days before trading with SFM
Increase the frequency of handwashing / hand sanitising and surface cleaning and wear disposable gloves to limit contact where possible
We recommended traders wear face coverings.
Remind customers of the need to social distance and where to queue safely and to keep to the one-way system
All food must be served behind a Perspex sneeze guard or is covered or pre-packaged.
No tasters offered or touching of food allowed.
Encourage customers to avoid touching products whilst browsing
Any Street food must be sold as takeaway.
We encourage traders to offer contactless payment as an option
Card machines should be cleaned regularly with anti-bacterial wipe/spray.
Considering the option for pre-ordering and pre-paying of goods to collect at the market could also be an option.
Customer Responsibilities include:
Stay 2 metres away from other people where possible
If you cannot social distance a face covering is recommended
Wash your hands on a regular basis or use hand sanitiser when facilities are not available
Do not visit the market if you feel unwell, have a high temperature, a continuous cough or a loss to your sense of taste and smell.
Thank you for your support and cooperation. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us; info@somersetfarmersmarkets.co.uk